Vir celse forma fulgida
Vir celse, forma fulgida virtutis, hymnum suscipe, qui iure dum te praedicat, Dei canit magnalia. |
O model of such virtue bright, Our noble saint, receive this song, Which tells of you and praises God, To whom your wondrous deeds belong. |
Qui sempiternus Pontifex stirpem Deo mortalium revinxit, atque reddidit paci novo nos foedere, |
He is the High Priest ever more, Who reconciled our mortal race And brought us back to peace with God By this new covenant of grace. |
Te fecit ipse providus sui ministrum muneris, Patri daturum gloriam eiusque vitam plebibus. |
Pro papa: Tu Petri ovile caelitus sumptis regebas clavibus, gregemque verbo gratiae, puris fovebas actibus. |
For a pope: When Peter's keys you had received, By heaven's pow'r you ruled the sheep, With gracious words and pure deeds, The Lord's own flock did tend and keep. |
Pro episcopo: Virtute factus ditior te consecrantis Spiritus, praesul, salutis pinguia tu tradidisti pabula. |
Pro presbytero: Regalis huius culminis adeptus altitudinem, verbo fuisti et moribus doctor, sacerdos, hostia. |
Locatus in caelestibus, sanctae memento Ecclesiae, oves ut omnes pascua Christi petant felicia. |
As from the heav'nly realm you watch, The holy Church now call to mind And guide her sheep with fervent prayers, The blessed fields of Christ to find. |
Sit Trinitati gloria, quae sancti honoris munia tibi ministro sedulo dignis coronat gaudiis. |
Part of this translation appears in the Hymnal for the Hours, by Rev. Samuel Weber, O.S.B.