Ternis horarum terminis
Ternis horarum terminis volutis dante Domino, trinum perfecte et unicum ipsum devoti psallimus. |
The threefold hours have come and gone, Their course laid down by God's decree, So now let us devoutly praise Our Lord, the perfect one and three. |
Sacrum Dei mysterium puro tenentes pectore, Petri magistri regula signo salutis prodita, |
This sacred mystery of God With ready hearts we firmly own, For by that sign of health restored Our master Peter's rule is known. |
Et nos psallamus spiritu, haerentes sic apostolis, ut plantas adhuc debiles Christi virtute dirigant. |
Then, as we pray most zealously And hold to the apostles' way, May they through Christ be steadfast guides Lest weaker feet should go astray. |
Deo Patri sit gloria eiusque soli Filio cum Spiritu Paraclito, in sempiterna saecula. |
To God the Father glory be And glory to his only Son And to the Spirit Paraclete Forevermore while ages run. |
This translation appears in the Hymnal for the Hours, by Rev. Samuel Weber, O.S.B.