Best of Friends
Music by Richard Johnston, lyrics by Stan Fidel. Featured in the 1981 film The Fox and the Hound by Disney. Latin parody by Dylan Schrader.
When you're the best of friends Having so much fun together You're not even aware, you're such a funny pair You're the best of friends |
Amici optimi et inter se ludentes male aestimant quam se habeant— sat incongrui! |
Life's a happy game You could clown around forever Neither one of you sees, your natural boundaries Life's one happy game |
Vobis ludere, agereque nugas est consuetus mos: Iuventutis flos caret limite. |
If only the world wouldn't get in the way If only people would just let you play They say you're both being fools You're breaking all the rules They can't understand, the magic of your wonderland |
Ne rerum ordo prohibeat quo- minus indulgeatis animo, inscite qui agitis, despectis regulis: ineffabilia sunt vobis magnalia. |
When you're the best of friends Sharing all that you discover When that moment has past, will that friendship last? Who can say? There's a way! Oh I hope... I hope it never ends 'Cause you're the best of friends |
Amici optimi invicem docentes: Mutantur tempora: De amicitia, quis sciat quid fiat? Utinam! Pergatis veluti amici optimi. |