Aeterne lucis conditor
Aeterne lucis conditor, lux ipse totus et dies, noctem nec ullam sentiens natura lucis perpeti, |
Eternal Maker of the light, Who art Thyself the Light and Day, No darkness can be found in Thee, Nor can thy splendor pass away. |
Iam cedit pallens proximo diei nox adventui, obtundens lumen siderum adest et clarus lucifer. |
The fading night now gives its place To dawning day, so clear and bright; Now rises, too, the Morning Star, Outshining all the stars of night. |
Iam stratis laeti surgimus grates canentes et tuas, quod caecam noctem vicerit revectans rursus sol diem. |
So from our rest in joy we rise To chant thy praise and to adore; Blind night hath fallen to the sun That ushers in the day once more. |
Te nunc, ne carnis gaudia blandis subrepant aestibus, dolis ne cedat saeculi mens nostra, sancte, quaesumus. |
We beg Thee now, O Holy Lord, Should baser passions lure and charm, Let not such fleeting worldly snares Bring hearts and minds to any harm. |
Ira ne rixas provocet, gulam ne venter incitet, opum pervertat ne famis, turpis ne luxus occupet, |
Help us to temper food and drink; May anger never bring distress; Let not a thirst for wealth corrupt, Nor shameful lust our hearts possess. |
Sed firma mente sobrii, casto manentes corpore totum fideli spiritu Christo ducamus hunc diem. |
But, sober and with steadfast mind, Remaining chaste, let us proceed Throughout this day in loyalty To Christ in ev'ry thought and deed. |
Praesta, Pater piisime, Patrique compar Unice, cum Spiritu Paraclito regnans per omne saeculum. |
This gift, O Father, we entreat; This blessing grant, eternal Son, And Holy Spirit, Paraclete, Who reign while endless ages run. |
This translation appears in the Hymnal for the Hours, by Rev. Samuel Weber, O.S.B.