Crux mundi benedictio
Crux, mundi benedíctio, spes cértaque redémptio, olim gehénnæ báiula, nunc clara cæli iánua, |
O Cross, a blessing for the world, The hellish weight our savior bore Now made our hope and rescue true, For us unlocking heaven's door, |
In te levátur hóstia ad se qui traxit ómnia, quam mundi princeps ímpetit suúmque nihil ínvenit. |
On you, the Victim lifted high, Whom this world's prince dared to beset Yet nothing of his own could find, Has drawn all things unto himself. |
Patri, tibi, Paráclito sit æqua, Iesu, glória, qui nos crucis victória concédis usque pérfrui. |
With Father and with Paraclete To you, Jesus, be equal praise, Whose victory upon the cross By grace we share for endless days. |
This translation appears in the Hymnal for the Hours, by Rev. Samuel Weber, O.S.B.