Verbum supernum prodiens (for Corpus Christi)
Verbum supernum prodiens, Nec Patris linquens dexteram, Ad opus suum exiens, Venit ad vitae vesperam. |
The Word proceeding from above, Yet leaving not the Father’s side, Goes forth unto his work of love And comes to life’s great eventide. |
In mortem a discipulo Suis tradendus aemulis, Prius in vitae ferculo Se tradidit discipulis. |
A member of his chosen band Would hand him over to his foes: Before his death, himself he hands As food of life to whom he chose. |
Quibus sub bina specie Carnem dedit et sanguinem: Ut duplicis substantiae Totum cibaret hominem. |
To them beneath two forms he gave His flesh and blood, complete and whole, That man, of twofold substance made, Be fed in body and in soul. |
Se nascens dedit socium, Convescens in edulium, Se moriens in pretium, Se regnans dat in praemium. |
Himself at birth he makes our kin, Our friend at table and our food, Himself, in death the price for sin, Himself, our king and our reward! |
O Salutaris Hostia Quae caeli pandis ostium: Bella premunt hostilia, Da robur, fer auxilium. |
Uni trinoque Domino Sit sempiterna gloria, Qui vitam sine termino Nobis donet in patria. |