Festiva canimus laude Hieronymum
Festiva canimus laude Hieronymum, qui nobis radiat sidus ut eminens doctrinae meritis ac simul actibus vitae fortis et asperae. |
In festive song we praise Jerome, Whose learning shines from Heav'n above, A blazing star that burns alone Emboldened by ascetic love. |
Hic verbum fidei sanctaque dogmata scrutando studuit pandere lucide, aut hostes, vehemens ut leo, concitus acri voce refellere. |
The word of faith he brings to light, The holy dogmas' depth he shows, And, like a lion roused to fight, With mighty roars refutes his foes. |
Insudans alacer prata virentia Scripturae coluit caelitus editae; ex his et locuples dulcia protulit cunctis pabula gratiae. |
He sweated in the verdant fields Of Scripture that he tilled with care; This fertile ground of Heaven yields For us its gracious lasting fare. |
Deserti cupiens grata silentia, ad cunas Domini pervigil astitit, ut carnem crucians se daret intime Patri munus et hostiam. |
Alone in silence and awake Beside the manger he adored; He crucified his flesh to make A sacrifice unto the Lord. |
Tanti nos, petimus te, Deus optime, doctoris precibus dirige, confove, ut laetas liceat nos tibi in omnia laudes pangere saecula. |
By virtue of this Doctor's plea, O holy God, we now implore, Grant us to offer up to thee A song of joy forever more. |
This translation appears in the Hymnal for the Hours, by Rev. Samuel Weber, O.S.B.