Inter aeternas superum coronas
Inter aeternas superum coronas, quas sacro partas colimus triumpho, emicas celsis meritis coruscus, o Benedicte! |
Among the everlasting crowns Which saints above, triumphant, bear, We venerate, O Benedict, That crown which you by merit wear. |
Sancta te compsit puerum senectus, nil sibi de te rapuit voluptas, aruit mundi tibi flos, ad alta mente levato. |
Concupiscence could not lay hold Of boyhood, by wise age adorned, You saw earth's blossom wilt away; To higher realms, your heart was borne. |
Hinc fuga lapsus patriam, parentes deseris, fervens nemorum colonus; inde conscribis documenta vitae pulchra beatae. |
You leave behind your kith and kin And flee into the wilderness Where zealously you dwell and write Instruction in the life of grace. |
Iam docens omnes populos subesse legibus tandem placitisque Christi, fac tuis cuncti precibus petamus caelica semper. |
The laws which are the will of Christ You teach all people to obey, So grant that we may ever seek The things above, we humbly pray. |
Claritas Patri genitaeque Proli, Flamini Sancto decus atque cultus, gratia quorum tibi tanta laudis gloria lucet. |
All glory to the Father blest, And to his Son, all worship be, And to the Spirit, fitting praise, Whose glory shines eternally. |
This translation appears in the Hymnal for the Hours, by Rev. Samuel Weber, O.S.B.