O Redemptor sume carmen
O Redemptor, sume carmen Temet concinentium. |
O Redeemer, hear this anthem As we sing with one accord. |
Arbor foeta alma luce Hoc sacrandum protulit, Fert hoc prona praesens turba Salvatori saeculi. |
Sacred will become this bounty That a fruitful tree once bore When we bear it in procession Unto you, our Saving Lord. |
Consecrare tu dignare, Rex perennis patriae, Hoc olivum, signum vivum, Iura contra daemonum. |
Consecrate, O King of heaven, Olive oil, a living sign; Let it thwart the demons' power, Lend to it your strength divine. |
Ut novetur sexus omnis Unctione Chrismatis: Ut sanetur sauciata Dignitatis gloria. |
By this Chrism, men and women Are renewed as they are sealed, And our glory, once so wounded, Now at last through grace is healed. |
Lota mente sacro fonte Aufugantur crimina, Uncta fronte sacrosancta Influunt charismata. |
When the sacred font has taken All the stains of sin away, On those foreheads then anointed, Send your gifts, O Lord, we pray. |
Corde natus ex Parentis Alvum implens Virginis, Praesta lucem, claude mortem Chrismatis consortibus. |
Lord, who came from God the Father In the Virgin's womb to rest, Grant us light, and let not perish Those who share this Chrism blest. |
Sit haec dies festa nobis, Saeculorum saeculis Sit sacrata digna laude, Nec senescat tempore. |
May this day be always festive For all ages, we implore; Sanctify the praise we offer, Let us bless you evermore. |