Pergrata mundo nuntiat

Pergrata mundo nuntiat
Aurora solis spicula,
Res et colore vestiens
Iam cuncta dat nitescere.
Unto the world a pleasant dawn
Brings tidings of the sun's first rays;
It makes all things begin to shine
And nature with its hue arrays.
Qui sol per ævum prænites,
O Christe, nobis vividus,
Ad te canentes vertimur,
Te gestientes perfrui.
Thou art the blazing sun who burn,
In ev'ry age, O Christ, our light,
To thee we turn and sing thy praise,
In thee exult and take delight.
Tu Patris es scientia
Verbumque per quod omnia
Miro refulgent ordine
Mentesque nostras attrahunt.
Thou art the Father's knowledge true,
His Word through whom all things we see
In wondrous order shining forth;
They draw our hearts and minds to thee.
Da lucis ut nos filii
Sic ambulemus impigri,
Ut Patris usque gratiam
Mores et actus exprimant.
Grant us to walk as sons of light;
Unwearied may we thus proceed
So that the Father's gift of grace
Might shine in ev'ry righteous deed.
Sincera præsta ut profluant
Ex ore nostro iugiter,
Et veritatis dulcibus
Ut excitemur gaudiis.
Let honest words flow from our lips,
Sincerity in us abound;
Awaken us to sweeter joys
That only in the truth are found.
Sit, Christe, rex piissime,
Tibi Patrique gloria
Cum Spiritu Paraclito,
In sempiterna sæcula.

This translation appears in the Hymnal for the Hours, by Rev. Samuel Weber, O.S.B.