Verbum salutis omnium
Verbum salutis omnium, Patris ab ore prodiens, Virgo beata, suscipe casto, Maria, viscere. |
The Savior of all men, the Word, Who from the Father's mouth proceeds, Within your womb, O Virgin blest, We humbly beg you to receive. |
Te nunc illustrat cælitus umbra fecundi Spiritus, gestes ut Christum Dominum, æqualem Patri Filium. |
The Spirit overshadows you, His fruitful work has now begun, That you might bring forth Christ the Lord, The Father's coeternal Son. |
Hæc est sacrati ianua templi serata iugiter, soli supremo Principi pandens beata limina. |
Behold the sacred temple's gate, Remaining sealed for years unknown; Its blessed threshold fastened tight Would open for the Prince alone. |
Olim promissus vatibus, natus ante luciferum, quem Gabriel annuntiat, terris descendit Dominus. |
Of old the prophets held his pledge; Before the dawn he had his birth; Now Gabriel proclaims to you: The Lord descends unto the earth. |
Lætentur simul angeli, omnes exsultent populi: excelsus venit humilis salvare quod perierat. |
Let angels then exult as well And all the nations leap for joy; The Most High comes in lowliness To save what sin had once destroyed. |
Sit, Christe, rex piissime, tibi Patrique gloria cum Spiritu Paraclito, in sempiterna sæcula. |
To you, O Christ, our gracious king, And to the Father glory be, And to the Spirit Paraclete, While ages run eternally. |
This translation appears in the Hymnal for the Hours, by Rev. Samuel Weber, O.S.B.