Dicamus laudes Domino
Dicamus laudes Domino fervente prompti spiritu; hora voluta sexies nos ad orandum provocat. |
Let us lift up our praise to God, For fervent souls make us aware The hour has passed six times in turn And bids us turn to God in prayer. |
In hac enim fidelibus verae salutis gloria beati Agni hostia crucis virtute redditur. |
For at this hour the blessed Lamb, As victim on the cross, restored The glory of salvation true To all who trust in him as Lord. |
Cuius luce clarissima tenebricat meridies, sumamus toto pectore tanti splendoris gratiam. |
In his most brilliant radiance, The noonday sun becomes as night; So let us gain with all our heart The grace of such a splendid light. |
Deo Patri sit gloria eiusque soli Filio cum Spiritu Paraclito, in sempiterna saecula. |
To God the Father glory be And glory to his only Son And to the Spirit Paraclete Forevermore while ages run. |
This translation appears in the Hymnal for the Hours, by Rev. Samuel Weber, O.S.B.