Magnis prophetae vocibus
Magnis prophetae vocibus venire Christum nuntiant, laetae salutis praevia, qua nos redemit, gratia. |
With mighty voice the prophets cry: “The coming of the Christ is nigh!” His path made straight by saving grace Through which he has redeemed our race. |
Hinc mane nostrum promicat et corda laeta exaestuant, cum vox fidelis personat praenuntiatrix gloriae. |
So, here our morning glimmers bright, And hearts brim over with delight At hearing such a voice resound Which heralds glory all around. |
Adventus hic primus fuit, punire quo non saeculum venit, sed ulcus tergere, salvando quod perierat. |
This Advent was his sacred birth; He did not come to doom the earth, But rather wounds to bind and mend By saving what was lost through sin. |
At nos secundus praemonet adesse Christum ianuis, sanctis coronas reddere caelique regna pandere. |
The second Advent we await When Christ will stand before the gate To open heaven's blest domain And crown the saints to share his reign. |
Aeterna lux promittitur sidusque salvans promitur; iam nos iubar praefulgidum ad ius vocat caelestium. |
Eternal splendor is made known; The saving star has clearly shone. Already heaven's brilliant light Is calling us to what is right. |
Te, Christe, solum quaerimus videre, sicut es Deus, ut perpes haec sit visio perenne laudis canticum. |
You, Christ, alone we strive to see, Resplendent in divinity; Give us this vision all our days, And grant an endless song of praise. |
This translation appears in the Hymnal for the Hours, by Rev. Samuel Weber, O.S.B.